You are welcome to submit jobs to the Cory Hall Machine Shop. We have the ability to handle many different types of jobs, using metals and exotic materials to fabricate small and very precise instruments, in a timely manner. Our diverse backgrounds help us find solutions to any problem you might have.
With our range of equipment in the shop, we can handle just about any job that comes along. From our precision conventional machines to our CNC lathe and 5-Axis CNC mill, we can produce very precise parts with tolerances to 0.001".
With our Engineering and Design services, we can help you get your experiment or project completed in a timely fashion, saving you money and frustration.
Our Welding Shop features capabilities to weld both ferrous and non-ferrous metals ranging from .006" thin stainless steel to 1" thick aluminum. We specialize in ultra-high vacuum system fabrication and orbital welding.
Recharge Rates:
Effective June 26, 2024
Academic - $150.00/hr
Affiliate - $162.00/hr
Cory Hall Machine Shop
University of California at Berkeley
187 Cory Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720 - 1770
Ship To
266 Sutardja Dai HallĀ
Berkeley, CA 94720 - 1768
TEL: (510) 643 - 8400
For inquires, please email: mshopjobs@silicon.eecs.berkeley.edu
Hours of Operation: 7:30am - 4:00pmĀ
Closed: 12:00pm - 12:30pm
Engineering Technical Supervisor: Sergio Velazquez